Episode 2

Published on:

7th Oct 2020

Learn to Grow Shorts – The Domino Effect of Mindful Leadership

After each podcast we like to do a short, follow-up musing prompted by the conversation. When I talked with Rashim Mogha, I asked her about mindful leadership and she was adamant that a productive culture begins with mindful leadership.

It reminded me of the 2020 Workplace Learning Report that emphasizes the massive role that managers play in driving learning engagement and building a culture of learning.

Changing the culture can seem like a massive task. One that requires a huge budget and months if not years of planning.

But there is so much about establishing a learning culture that is absolutely free!

  • There is no budget required to share something you’ve learned with your team members.
  • There is no budget required to highlight a TED talk that resonated with you.
  • There is no budget required or to reach out to someone you work with, superior, peer, or subordinate, and ask them what they’re learning.

I’ve always loved dominoes as a metaphor for the big impact of small gestures.

A 2-inch domino can knock over another domino 1.5 times its size.

Line up more dominoes, each 1.5 times larger than the last, and

  • the 12th domino would be 15 feet tall.
  • The 17th would dwarf the statue of liberty.
  • The 19th would overshadow the Empire State Building.
  • The 50th would knock over a domino the size of the distance between the earth and the moon.

Small actions create big chain reactions.

Leaders can inspire their teams with small gestures like a demonstrated interest in what their team members are learning!

Leaders have this responsibility. But the thing is. We are all leaders. In a democratized learning culture, everyone is a catalyst. Everyone has the chance to inspire people around them.

All it takes is to push the first domino. 

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About the Podcast

SureSkills Learn to Grow Podcast
When change is inevitable, learning and growth are essential.
The Learn to Grow Podcast is an anecdotal look at the learning landscape aimed at L&D and HR professionals. I interview leaders in learning about their experience first-hand in the world of learning and development helping people and organizations reach their potential. We discuss top trends including learning technology, the role of learning cultures, and the foundations of a successful learning experience.

We believe learning and growth are intertwined, both for individuals and organizations. Individuals learn to grow within their roles, careers, and personal lives. Organizations' learning programs are now major contributors to business success, helping them attract and retain top talent, upskill and reskill, and adapt to the inevitable changes the future will bring. In this podcast, we speak to leaders in the learning and development industry about the learning landscape.

About your host

Profile picture for Simon Behan

Simon Behan

Learning is the thread that runs through my personal and professional passions. I believe continuous learning and growth is the key to a fulfilling and rewarding life.

As a Learning and Content Specialist at SureSkills, I work with the teams across our entire business (from digital content development to competency-based learning to learning technology support) to make sure our services are meeting our clients where they are. That means staying on top of current trends in the industry, building relationships with leaders who experience these trends on a daily basis, and continuing to learn and grow myself.

As the host of the SureSkills Learn to Grow Podcast, I interview leaders in learning about their experience first-hand helping people and organizations reach their potential. We discuss top trends including learning technology, the role of learning cultures, and the foundations of a successful learning experience.