Episode 6

Published on:

22nd Oct 2020

Learn to Grow Shorts: From Viewing to Doing

On Learn to Grow Shorts, we follow up on the most recent podcast conversation to highlight one topic of particular interest.

I had a great time talking to Ed, and looking back on our conversation, the thing I want to highlight this week is the importance of practically applying what you learn. Loved the examples Ed gives for how learning takes place in his own life and how he uses technology like YouTube and practical application to make progress.

He describes using YouTube to find soccer games, drills and exercises for the U15 team he coaches, then takes puts what he learned into practice that night.

If we think about what’s happening there, it’s the combination of the research and content consumption with the instant practical application that makes the learning successful. He becomes better at his role (coach) and his organization (in this case an U15 soccer team!) benefit directly from what he has learned – everyone wins.

And the cool thing is, as Ed finds content that works for him and applies it in practice, he gets better at finding the right content for his team and his own personal coaching style.

What’s key to remember here, however, is that without the practical application piece, we actually lose much of what we consume in learning content.

And there is actually research to back this up.

For example, there was a fantastic episode of Morning Edition on NPR.

They explored the idea that many people believe they can master something simply by watching instructional videos.

Psychologists Ed O’Brien and Michael Kardas wondered about instructional videos and whether there was a gap between the perception of learning and actual learning.

So they studied it, and the best example is around the moonwalk. It’s objectively hard to do, a challenging skill.

Basically, here’s what they found:

If you show a group of people an instructional video 20 times, then ask them to rate their likely success when they try to perform it, they will way overstate their ability compared to a group who had not watched the instructional videos.

Sometimes viewing content or attending a seminar gives us the perception that we have gained a new skill – but we have to put skill into action as soon as possible to embed skills and capabilities and really grow.

This is why Ed has had such success – he hasn’t just spent hours watching videos, he has gone out and applied them each week with his team.

Thanks for taking the time to listen – Next week I talk to Kris Reynolds from Gitlab. 

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About the Podcast

SureSkills Learn to Grow Podcast
When change is inevitable, learning and growth are essential.
The Learn to Grow Podcast is an anecdotal look at the learning landscape aimed at L&D and HR professionals. I interview leaders in learning about their experience first-hand in the world of learning and development helping people and organizations reach their potential. We discuss top trends including learning technology, the role of learning cultures, and the foundations of a successful learning experience.

We believe learning and growth are intertwined, both for individuals and organizations. Individuals learn to grow within their roles, careers, and personal lives. Organizations' learning programs are now major contributors to business success, helping them attract and retain top talent, upskill and reskill, and adapt to the inevitable changes the future will bring. In this podcast, we speak to leaders in the learning and development industry about the learning landscape.

About your host

Profile picture for Simon Behan

Simon Behan

Learning is the thread that runs through my personal and professional passions. I believe continuous learning and growth is the key to a fulfilling and rewarding life.

As a Learning and Content Specialist at SureSkills, I work with the teams across our entire business (from digital content development to competency-based learning to learning technology support) to make sure our services are meeting our clients where they are. That means staying on top of current trends in the industry, building relationships with leaders who experience these trends on a daily basis, and continuing to learn and grow myself.

As the host of the SureSkills Learn to Grow Podcast, I interview leaders in learning about their experience first-hand helping people and organizations reach their potential. We discuss top trends including learning technology, the role of learning cultures, and the foundations of a successful learning experience.